Today is my final day at The Sunday Times design department - which is certainly not your average 9 till 5 job (not that any work within the creative industry is). Tues to Saturday starting at 10/11ish with clocking out time getting later as the week goes on and the paper is due to go to press.
On the 5th Floor of News International you will find the maze of desks which contains the design department who put together 'your new Sunday Times'. The redesign of The Sunday Times is still ongoing and has taken advantage of the new full color printing press using hints of color to make navigation through the paper easier and clearer.
Whilst on work experience at The Sunday Times I have learned how the paper is put together and built. Working from the designers through to programmers who rebuild the pages in a programme called Hermes.
I have also had the opportunity to work on the layouts in the sport section and front covers in the Ingear and Culture section. On a rather exciting note one of the Ingear covers I worked on was chosen for this weeks edition!
The last week has been a great experience and I have had the pleasure of working with some lovely people who have answered all my questions and put up with me being their shadow. I have been taught and learned some great tips on editorial design, a few new Photoshop/Indesign tricks along with the role of a designer within a newspaper environment.
A big thank you to every one that helped me.
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